CA24 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CA24 3 is a postcode sector in Cumberland, UK. Below is a complete list of CA24 3 Postcodes (Active). CA24 3 postcode sector comprises of 38 active postcodes. CA24 3 sector has a population of 1036, and it has 428 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CA24 3 postcode sector

CA24 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1036
Addresses / Property Count 428
Active Postcodes 38
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 0

View Map Of CA24 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-38 of 38 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CA24 3AB 54.51484600 -3.54554900 N/A N/A 300043 514382
CA24 3HA 54.52152800 -3.54523000 N/A N/A 300080 515125
CA24 3HU 54.51699000 -3.55151600 N/A N/A 299662 514629
CA24 3HW 54.51937000 -3.55023200 N/A N/A 299751 514892
CA24 3HX 54.51965300 -3.54634900 N/A N/A 300003 514918
CA24 3HY 54.52041600 -3.54996200 N/A N/A 299771 515008
CA24 3HZ 54.52282600 -3.55127400 N/A N/A 299692 515278
CA24 3JA 54.51377300 -3.53593100 7 16 300663 514249
CA24 3JB 54.51402500 -3.53733100 19 51 300573 514279
CA24 3JD 54.51326400 -3.53853800 16 47 300493 514196
CA24 3JE 54.51219400 -3.53783400 11 26 300536 514076
CA24 3JF 54.51338600 -3.53882000 18 53 300475 514210
CA24 3JG 54.51416300 -3.53781500 11 25 300542 514295
CA24 3JH 54.51438000 -3.53983100 60 118 300412 514322
CA24 3JJ 54.51397100 -3.53873400 7 15 300482 514275
CA24 3JL 54.51396200 -3.54015500 28 57 300390 514276
CA24 3JN 54.51379200 -3.54149300 11 23 300303 514259
CA24 3JP 54.51529900 -3.53821300 61 129 300519 514422
CA24 3JQ 54.51453000 -3.53792100 5 9 300536 514336
CA24 3JS 54.51614400 -3.53819800 6 17 300522 514516
CA24 3JU 54.51412900 -3.54817900 15 28 299871 514306
CA24 3JW 54.51409000 -3.54141100 3 4 300309 514292
CA24 3JX 54.51636100 -3.54444800 3 9 300118 514549
CA24 3JY 54.51642700 -3.55404400 5 9 299497 514570
CA24 3JZ 54.51935500 -3.55278000 N/A N/A 299586 514894
CA24 3LA 54.51769100 -3.55356700 5 13 299531 514710
CA24 3LB 54.51201900 -3.54942800 3 12 299785 514073
CA24 3LD 54.50936600 -3.56148300 11 34 298998 513795
CA24 3LE 54.52083200 -3.54276200 1 3 300238 515044
CA24 3LF 54.51193200 -3.53368400 1 3 300804 514041
CA24 3LG 54.51350100 -3.54109600 13 25 300328 514226
CA24 3LH 54.51553600 -3.53727900 21 50 300580 514447
CA24 3LJ 54.51607600 -3.53578600 18 62 300678 514505
CA24 3LP 54.51223900 -3.53925600 5 12 300444 514083
CA24 3LQ 54.51286200 -3.53975800 42 103 300413 514153
CA24 3LS 54.51245100 -3.54091700 22 83 300337 514109
CA24 3LT 54.51531400 -3.54479500 N/A N/A 300093 514433
CA24 3TP 54.51886900 -3.55566600 N/A N/A 299398 514844
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